Cole DeFranco
Cole DeFranco
Cole DeFranco
Tap Dat Media
Cole DeFranco ,
Tap Dat Media CEO
Tap Dat Media is a collaboration between the most unique and innovative minds within business and advertising. After runnning our own respective businesses, we noticed a glaring problem within the industry. After some incredible innovation we were able to create a crossroads between Advertising, Lead Generation and Lead Nuturing to allow businesses of all sizes to grow exponentially. We built Tap Dat Media to help fellow Business Owners to truly thrive and reach their goals. We work everyday to not only help enable 1000's of business owners around the world, but also work with them close enough to truly create a better world on the internet.
Cole DeFranco
Wanna Fashion
Year :
2024 2024 2024 2024
Project Type :
Advertising Advertising Advertising Advertising
Contribution :
Website Design Website Design Website Design Website Design
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Retargeted Digital Marketing And Advertising
We specialize in helping companies of all sizes grow exponentially by retargeting users across multiple platforms. An example of this would be someone viewing your business's ad on Instagram, and then at the time of the highest possible conversion rate send them a retargeted ad on Hulu
Web Development
In the dynamic world of digital marketing, a well-designed website is the cornerstone of success. Our approach integrates full-scale website development with strategic sales funnel creation, ensuring a seamless transition from visitor to customer. We focus on crafting websites that not only look stunning but also function as powerful sales tools.
Infulencer Marketing
Here at TDM, we pride ourselves on being able to help your business get matched with the best infulencers for your specific demographic.
Social Media Management
At TDM, we specialize in expert social media management for your business. Our team is dedicated to crafting and implementing strategies that specifically cater to your target demographic, ensuring your brand achieves a standout presence and effective engagement online.
Tap Dat Media Portal
Our Portal allows business of all sizes to manage all of their business conversations, lead nuture, forms, contacts, its our all in one toolkit to get you the most out of your business